Facebook: Not Your Model Asian

Account Supervisor

Agency: Mojo Supermarket

Society, culture and family place pressure on young Asians to look, act and perform up to a certain standard. With major AAPI agency staffing, and AAPI production partners (Directors, Photographers), every piece of this campaign was intended to challenge this ideal, and with it, any expectations of who we should be.

Photo Series: New Asian Narrative

There’s no lack of damaging stereotypes and expectations placed on the AAPI community, of which youth today are still fighting against. So we created a portraiture photo series highlighting six (6) people from Facebook groups to amplify real AAPI voices. These AAPI are redefining what it means to be Asian, subverting tradition to explore their true identity.

Films: ‘What Do I Do?’

A fun and relatable film series featuring young AAPI adults with unconventional jobs (Such as a roller skating influencer or comedian) having conversations with their parents, asking them, “What do you think I do?” and watching their attempts to explain. We captured endearing parent-child relationships and intergenerational cultural differences that they once disagreed on, but eventually found common ground.

Film: Making it Work

An inspirational feature film that highlights a Korean-American’s transformation from tech worker to circus troupe leader. This film shows an AAPI ‘Making it Work’ with an untraditional career path and that following your dreams can be worth it – not every AAPI is meant to follow the stereotype of working in tech, being a doctor, engineer, lawyer, or any other traditionally lucrative professions.