Our Canvas

Founder / Executive Producer / Creative Director

Lighting Designer: Ndanu Mutisya // Photographer: Saliyl Dotson // Videographer: Rose Lu

I created Our Canvas to be a platform for community-driven, artistic dance performances. When so many dancers are thinking the next competition, battle, paid gig… this is a safe space to play creatively.

The choreographers create pieces with a specific purpose and intention in mind. They all create against the same theme – audiences get to see their personal interpretation of what that theme means to each individual.

Selfishly, this is the type of dance I want to create – dance with a specific purpose in mind and in collaboration with other creatives. In my personal view, there aren’t too many opportunities to create artistic work in this capacity.

There were two shows in 2023, with a third on the way in 2024. What you’ll see below is content & marketing from our second show, ‘Inward Outward.’

Find us on IG.

Performance Photography

Photos & photo editing by Saliyl Dotson.

Performance Videography

Video shot, filmed & edited by Rose Lu. (See full performance playlist here)