JetBoo House


From the airline that first brought unlimited brand-name snacks and full-size soda cans in flight, comes the airline that treats all customers to full-size candy on Halloween: JetBoo.

JetBoo set up house in three (3) locations: Boston Common (BOS), Fort Greene Park (NYC), and Lake Wyman Park (FLL).

Candies distributed across three locations: ~15,500

Scratch-offs Distributed: ~6,375
(2) Round-trip Travel Certificate Winners: 35


40M+ Paid Media Impressions | 36M+ Earned Media Impressions | 750K+ Influencer Impressions

Campaign Assets

Custom-written Halloween jokes for the family.

Custom-written Halloween jokes for the family.

Airport digital screens on day of Halloween

Airport digital screens on day of Halloween

Airport digital screens on day of Halloween

Airport digital screens on day of Halloween